Goma, Congo DRC, 19.5.2004 |
Reporting back to Goma Part 2 - Shabunda XDRA to Bukavu Kavumu FZMA Took off from Shabunda around 07.00 for a more or less direct flight to Bukavu Kavumu. The beautiful african sunrise colors are by now transformed to a blue and sunny morning palette; a bit hazy here and there in the distance, but otherwise very clear. I knew we were to reach the big mountain ridge before closing to Bukavu Kavumu, but didn't expect it raise just like that... Wow! it's even more dramatic than from the North side. One moment you're still cruising along at some 3000 to 4000 ft msl, the next moment you got to set her quickly for climb, open the throttles and pull the yoke back. Yes, I would expect a slower plane, like Byrd's Old Lady, get in some trouble here. And just when we managed to barely clear that ridge, the terrain quickly drops back down again and we find ourselves a bit to the left of Bukavu Kavumu and simply too high to land at first try. So we just continue our descent while flying over the airfield, turning and flying the downwind; then another 180 or rather a curved approach and safe landing on rwy 17. <click on the snapshots to enlarge> ![]() ![]() ![]() take off XDRA | leaving Shabunda | enroute to Bukavu Kavumu ![]() ![]() ![]() climbing slowly, anticipation | Whoa! ridge! | on final for FZMA [] see flight log flightno. 949 Goma, Congo DRC, 19.5.2004 Part 3 - Bukavu Kavumu FZMA to Goma FZNA Last part of the trip was nothing else but crossing lake Kindu, from SW to NE, to reach Goma and was also the shortest leg. Take off from Bukavu Kavumu around 09.00, set course for Goma and after a few minutes you're already flying over water. That is, water and a large island, right there in the middle of Lake Kivu. Now, we've been to Goma earlier, so I'm supposed to know where the airfield is situated and how to approach it, right? Well, I just did in my usual style again and that's becoming a habit. It's like they taught us back in Red Lake, at the floatplane course, remember? -"Fly over and inspect you approach and landing zone first, then go for a first approach, take your time..." I've been told you can't trust most of the airfields around here, as it goes for communications or the presence of personnel; so, it makes me feel safer and more comfortable doing it like that. Heading for landing at FZNA17 I just fly in low from the lake, head for the runway and fly parallel to it, heading more or less for the big fat mountain and hills in the North; then I turn right a bit, followed by wide turn left, over the main road, bringing on final for 17. Nope, I wouldn't like to do it at night or in bad weather. <click on the snapshots to enlarge> ![]() ![]() ![]() setting up for TO from Bukavu | leaving FZMA | over lake Kivu ![]() ![]() turning for final at Goma | on final FZNA17 [] see flight log flightno. 950 < back to Part 1 < back to BYRD index |