Gambella, Ethiopia, 5.6.2004 |
The Sudan Express Establishing refueling points on the route Gambella-Shambe Acting upon a request to 'prepare the road' for special medevac flights to the Shambe area, we came to the following plan. For the Huey to be able to fly a round trip to Shambe, in view of the short action radius of the helicopter, we will need a number of refueling points along the path. As far as I can see the Gambella-Shambe-Gambella flight will mean refueling 4 times, twice inbound and again twice outbound. Location of the first refueling point would be just short of halfway to Shambe area; to keep it safe for the Huey's autonomy something like 120 to 140 nm from Gambella. The second refueling point will then be quite close to the Shambe area, making it possible to fly to one of the 5 locations and back to that same refueling point before heading for the journey back home. Codename for this two locations is 'Honey Pot'. 3.6.2004 I think we're ready; we have the needed materials: a number of fuel drums and jerrycans; camouflage netting and poles to build a shelter. And both Turbo Porters (Zimex and Mt.Cook) did receive a light layer of cammo colors, making them less visible while on the ground. It looks like there will be a full moon the coming nights... I'll try to pick an early morning and fly out of Gambella to set up the first refueling point. That is, flying out just before first light, find a decent spot to land and setup the shelter and stay put (hidden) during day; wait for the sunset to make the journey back home. I will fly into Sudan low and slow, close to darkness and avoiding roads and populated areas; all in radio silence and with the lights turned down. 4.6.2004 Part 1 - to 'Honey Pot 1' A radio transcript from June 4th 06.15: "Honey Pot for Mamma... Mamma do you read me? .... Honey Pot is on the deck and rigging... Mamma is copying. Check back in six, Honey Pot Roger Mamma, Honey Pot out - - - - - -" Right, so we just arrived back at Gambella. We? Of course, I did take Coop along. Mind you, it's quite helpful having someone along to help counting streams and roads, check the map and help unloading the drums... In short this is what we did: 4/6 early morning, around 05.00 we left Gambella flying more or less a direct course to Shambe3. Well, not really a straight line; we did a bit zig-zagging trying to miss a few roads and most of the time trying to cross the other roads perpendicular, when possible. We were carrying 270,4 us gallons of JP-4 in drums and jerrycans and a camouflaged shelter (netting and poles). While timing our distance on the charts and checking this against the GPS, we found a good spot at some 127 nm from HAGM; landed there just after 06.00 and proceeded to unload the fuel and assemble the shelter. (click on the snapshots to enlarge) ![]() ![]() ![]() Gambella 05.00 | taxiing to HAGM36 | Sudan by night ![]() ![]() ![]() early morning | coming out of the sun | camouflage [] see flight log flightno. 951 Rest of the day was spent on the ground, plane and drums covered and showing any activity... just in case. At about 16.45 -what would you call that; late afternoon or early evening?- we though it would be safe enough to leave for the return flight to Gambella. Arrived back at HAGM just before dark, ± 17.50. (click on the snapshot to enlarge) [] see flight log flightno. 952 > next, go to Part 2 < back to Honey Pot index |