Red Lake Bush Adventures - Mission 001

Part 4 (24.5.2003)

Empress - Dauphin,

When we delivered the remaining mummies, the experts at Empress registered some anomalities with the magentic fields of the mummies. I didn't udnerstand much of what the experts were talking about, but Victoria was listening very closely and suddenly we had an important job for the next leg: They were taking x-ray pictures and measuring electro-encephalogramms of two of the mummies, and asked us to deliver the data as soon as possible to Hans van Dike, a mummy expert who was studying ancient book at the Western Christian College Library in Dauphin.

Emergency jobs always are paid fine - so I didn't hesitate and accepted. Victoria had that smile she always has, when we pick up a good paying job...

So, we didn't waste much time, double checked the Waterpipe, said good bye to Fred "the mummy" and took off for a rather short flight to Dauphin.

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