Operation "Snow cap"
By Sir Darkwin, Mission HQ
Hi group, as you all may know I flew to Moscow a while ago for some
simulator and systems training at the Antonov field to learn how to operate
the AN-225. For you new people, we performed a mission some time back with
the help of some NATO troups against a Russian mafia organization. During
this mission we put the mafia group out of action and also took possesion of
their Orlyonok WIG craft. One intelligence group in the Russian government
who work behind the scenes against the mafia was delighted with our work and
they offered us free lease of one of their Russian AN-225 transport aircraft
or salvage rights to a crashed AN-225 somwhere on a Swiss glacier if we
could ensure that this mafia group would not return to their country. We
did the next best thing and provided them with info including bank account
numbers and locations of their gold stash in Russia. The Russian gov't
successfully drained these accounts and created a situation in which this
group would not want to return.
Anyway, we decided that although requiring more effort we would opt for the
salvage rights on the AN-225 hidden away on the Swiss glacier. Our leader
has given me the go-ahead to plan this operation which will be a first for
me so I am suggesting that we think about making our way to Switzerland
maybe in a couple of weeks to locate the aircraft and then plan to recover
it in Spring after the snow melts. Once we locate the plane we'll have to
figure out what aircraft parts and other supplies we need to get it running.
We'll also have to figure out if it is even possible to fly the plane out
though the Russians seem to think that it is in a location where this is
Here is a picture of the massive AN-225:

- Sir Darkwing
From dESPair HQ:
Thanks for taking the lead in the AN-225 case. From HQ, there are only
a few notes to add:
- first, the flight from EDXH to LSZH is not, I repeat, NOT to be
performed under SOAS rules. Please, follow the pre-planned route.
dESPair HQ worked hard to get all the papers done for the official
transfer of our aircraft to LSZH, so don't play Buck Rogers. At least
not now.
- Fly reasonably, safe and economic. The dESPair accounts are not
extremely healthy at the moment. The Orly gold should be enough
to cover the expenses for the recovery operation. However, aircraft
repairs in Norway and the recent damage reparation fines due to the
Helo training in EDXH lowered our capitalistic fluidum of life...
Please check if you can get some little cargo jobs, to cover the
transfer expenses. Thank you.
- Please report back your flights to the HQ. They will be gathered and
published on the dESPair site, along with the mission briefing. This
is the start to a new HQ activity: the archiving of the mission data,
briefing and the reports. Maybe we can publish a book, and get some
money from that...
Have a good flight everyone and hopefully I'll see you all in Zürich.
Remember to check in @ the dESPair VIP lounge. There, Victoria and
Esperanza are waiting for you with the keys to your apartment in
Oerlikon, nearby the airport.
Once we all have joined again, HQ will invite the crew to a real,
original swiss cheese fondue to celebrate the "homecoming".
Have a good & safe flight!