Operation "Snow cap"
Mission 04 - Sir Snidley's PIREP
Took off from Locarno in the Storch and flew down the lake to the point
where two rivers flow into the lake. From the search chart that appeared to
be in the center of the Southerly end of search area 4. The Storch is a
nice ship and has great visibility. Thanks again Pedro, I like this ship
more and more as I gain some time in it.
At the convergence of the two rivers I turned to 318 and started climbing.
Of course, it started getting colder and colder the higher I climbed. Snow
fields started appearing and I figured I had flown over roughly the southern
half of the search area as I approached a deep valley where one of the
rivers turns back to a westerly direction. I saw nothing on that first pass
so I continued on towards the second or more northerly half of the search
area. At that time dense clouds started rolling in from the NW to the point
that I had to turn back.
I did a 180 back to course 120 and flew over the southern half of the search
area ahead of the cloud bank. Still no sign of any wreckage or other
evidence of forced landings or otherwise. The clouds seemed to be steadily
working their way south so I headed back to the Locarno field and some warm
liquid refreshment. I will watch the weather and hope for a break to get
back up there to search the other half of my area.

Went up to the glacier area again in section 6. Flew up into the northern
half from Lucarno again in the Storch. Darkness was approaching and I had
little time up there but I think I spotted something through the clouds. I
could not make it out exactly but I think it is definitely worth
investigating some more. It was 300 degrees and 25 nm miles from Lucarno.
Sir Snidley
-- follow up message:
Just arrived back in Locarno after my aborted search flight. Found Vilkie
in the Normandy Sword and heard his story of engine failure up on the
glacier. He also showed me some of the instrumentation that has been added
to his panel. Nice. I showed him on my chart the area that I had searched
in "Edelweiss" and we both wondered if the weather would clear at all today.
Outside it looks as though those clouds and rolled down out of the mountains
and obscured the higher altitudes. Vilk verified the deteriorating weather
at higher altitudes. I took a few pictures while up there. Maybe I can get
them developed while we wait.