Quick Run to Lectric Combo

I didn’t have much time to settle down today, I needed some of the original data disks from the Lectric Combo archives… they contain a lot of data for the dESPair Geographic database that didn’t yet make it into the online version but will be very useful in the near future…

I grabbed the first craft I could find that would land on a dime, a Stinson L5 in pearl white…
Without night vision goggles it would have been impossible… I couldn’t see anything! Even the 5 miles between the two islands were IFR…

After a rather long-seeming five minutes, a small island started to appear out of the water.

I landed and made my way to the barrack that was holding the gear I needed.


Well, I had forgotten that there was so much material… it wasn’t all going to fit in the back seat of the plane… Good thing I had an old cargo pod I was working on. Fitting it was easy, although the original owner of the plane might not really be happy with the holes in the fuselage…

After a few quick checks, I was off… It looked heavier on the ground than it felt in the air. 200lb actually made little difference once airborne.

As I closed in on Sixtus B., someone in the mountains managed to snap this picture of me…

Quick landing with a final tailspin and I was back at the hangar, with all the data and ready to call it a night.
