Ilha Primera - AE - AETJ
01/03/08 22:39 Filed in: New Islands
The main
island of the newly rediscovered Ilhas Brumas. It is
the largest one, and hosts the principal airport
serving the archipelago. Its most prominent land
features are large volcano (5794 ft at its
highest point) and a large lagoon. On the south side
of the volcano is a small gravel airfield, while the
lagoon hosts our seaplane mooring and loading docks.
The central part of the island hosts a medium sized
lake that provides, through a system of dams,
electric power on this island, where the energy of
the sun would be hard to exploit and geothermic
plants would be unpractical. No high resolution
satellite images are available, since, quite frankly,
nobody knew they were there or bothered to look, up
to now!
Airport data for AETJ
High Enroute
Low Enroute

Airport data for AETJ


High Enroute


Low Enroute