THC 004 - Avro RJ85
"Dove of clover"
(Home base: LSZB, Switzerland. Chief pilot: Sir Hak "the seagul")

The Dove of Clover has been sold - and is out of service in our fleet.
Captain Habakuk
Hak the seagul
Facts & Info
The first cargo
aircraft in the
dESPair fleet.
The THC004,Avro RJ85
was our first
aircraft in the
fleet. Read the story
of the aircraft to
the left of this column.
Tech data
The THC004 has a max.
range of XXX nm and
we can cruise up to
XXXXX ft. The XX hp
Pratt&Whittney engines
accelerate the XXXXX lb
aircraft to about XXX kts.
A cabine length of about
XX ft provides space enough to transport
almost anything and
to any place.
Contact chief pilot:
Capt. "seagul" Habakuk