THC 011 - Pilatus PC-12
(Home base: ???, Spain. Chief pilot: Sir Pedro "The Brick")
Story of theTHC 011 is comming soon

stay tuned...
Facts & Info
The first
Pilatus PC in
dESPair fleet.
Despite the sometimes
bad reputation of the
Pilatus palnes, our
PC-12 is a jewel and
flies just heavenly!
Tech data
The THC011 has a max.
range of XXX nm and
we can cruise up to
XXXXX ft. The XX hp
Pratt&Whittney engines
accelerate the XXXXX lb
aircraft to about XXX kts.
A cabine length of about
XX ft provides space enough to transport
passengers and a fair
cargo load to almost
any wet spot on this
Contact chief pilot:
Capt. "The Brick" Pedro