Search and Rescue Ops
Thanks to our fleet's high technical standard and the highly experienced crew, dESPair has been a partner to the local emergency authorities ever since it was founded.
Search in the alps/high mountains
Every year dESPair pilots fly dozens of search missions to locate missed alpinists. Our pilots are specially trained to fly at very low altitude and under difficult conditions and circumstances. dESPair has specialised pilots to perform search missions in all countries of the world. Our crews have been flying in Vietnam. Turkey, Spitzbergen, Greenland, Antarctica, the andes, the amazonas and in the desert Gobi, just to name a few. Chances for success increase greatly, if our dESPairados are out for the mission.
Rescue flights
Since dESPair has a very recognised name in the world of special transport flights, we occasionaly are hired to fly rescue missions for the local emergency authorities. From heavy injured drivers in car accidents to endangered animals like cows on snow covered alps - we always have been ready to provide the maximal help and responsitivity. dESPairados do not know an impossible mission, and they are your guarantee that you have done the possible to save the situation.
Emergency cargo transports
The skills of our crews allow us to fly almost any cargo load to virtually any spot on this world. Past missions have been: food parcels for alpinists blocked by storms, emergency medical
packages for an expedition to the Matterhorn, electrical compounds to a ship in the north sea, chemicals to a manufacure hardly reachable by landways and many more.
Whenever you are in the need for a Rescue, Search or any other emergency flight - dESPair is your professional and efficient partner.